пятница, июня 28, 2019

2 комментария:

  1. Hi all. I want to start a group of proper weed smokers at La Station.


    Organise courses on safe use, study the history of consumption etc. Whoever interested please contact me in private. The thing is many condos have prohibitive rules on smoking, people got the right to smoke but are forced to do it like marginals. So many smokers now have to hide in parks for a puff etc. Moreover, smoking Cannabis is a social activity, much more fun to enjoy this freedom together with others. People should know how to avoid overdoses, you have to drink lots of milk in such cases, etc. Things like that are important. This activity was stigmatized a lot, but we should look at it more broadly now. If it is legalised, public is encouraged to try it. And people who invented vaccines and tested those on their bodies are similar to users who expdrimented with substances and can give recommendations how to do it properly. We should value this input.

    I would not recommend myself to smoke anything to my children. Good age to begin trials is after 30 in my opinion. But it is better to know how to do dangerous things properly and be warned by experienced people what could be the consequences.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdm4BDIryX0


