понедельник, марта 25, 2019

ЗвениR° C@LL |ЗВ°н

Приглашаю к соавторству в свежую Re:liga:Re ( https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Религия ). 

Три правила: не убивать, не врать, не воровать. Три принципа: Знание, Вера, Везение. Для путешественников и новых поколений, взгляд в будущее. Части из многих, синтез по вкусу. На вкус есть товарищи. Присоединяйтесь сами, основы~кирпичики здесь: 

4 комментария:

  1. День Среда, планета МЕРкурий, год Дракона, месяц Апрель

  2. ПерТ & ОдаЛ & ГеБо


  3. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Вальхалла




  4. The Earth is moving through Space and Time
    The Sun is our God, and Godess is Time
    The Time is moving around the Sun
    Ressurecting us one by one
    The wheel of Sansara is rolling
    Living stones on the surface crawling
    Towards their end of times
    Without clear goals in lives
    For now our system is the clock
    Telling us when we need to wake up and flock
    ConScience and technology blossom fast
    Thinking about the Future while remembering past is the must
    Compiling different cultures awaits
    Joseph Campbell in conscience is Bill Gates
    Solving Babylonian puzzle
    Can make everyone of us dazzle
    At distant stars and future paths
    To get there we need much more than math
    The new age of travel unfolds in our times
    Preparing many to fight for their lives
    We need to solve this puzzle guys
    To arrive to the simple conclusion
    In order to survive we all need inclusion

