понедельник, июля 06, 2015

Manifest of the International Migrant Movement

Excuse my English, but I am really Russian and it took me lot’s of efforts to be able to express myself in English. As the matter that I am going to discuss is quite complicate, please disregard possible flaws in my writing.

Migrants! Emmigrants and Immigrants. The history of human kind is full of them. Migration was possibly the first power that contributed to the creation of the modern world. People changed territories for many reasons and for many centuries. Although, last century was the most intensive in the migrant movements. Many countires accept migrants, mostly developed world. As the world becomes more accessible by modern ways of transportation and the standardised quality of life in developed countries, the new sort of people appear - not just immigrants, but migrants, those who choose another country because it is more attractive primarily because of socio-economic reality, and who are dreaming to transfer this advantage to the territory where they were born. If they choose the country because of it’s climate, it’s rather difficult to blame the country of origin for the lack of such climateJ But socio-economic conditions, logical laws and their efficient enforcement I do believe can be replicated with the due effort. At the end, we all want to live on the planet where be it short-term movement as tourism, or long term commitment to the territory should be safe and governed by transparent, understandable laws based on uniform human values.

Just to summ it up - people are travelling around the planet, staying for long periods of time in different places. With the development of technologies, transport, science the movement of people can be expected to increase.

Migrants are very specific people. They are brave, eager to learn new things, starting from languages and up to the very fundamental principles of the different societies. They are usually very active. Also, they are like “lacmus” paper, the first to feel the changes in the society and react. By choosing the new country to move to they undoubtly make their choice based on different things that are better in this country. By moving, they “vote” for the existing principles, freedoms, quality of life. In our age when the world is changing faster and faster, those people who have experience living in more than one country can become the driving force for changes in their original country. There are plenty examples of people returning to their native countries bringing with them the knowledge of the world.

Just to summ it up - migrants are special people who have multiple experiences, active.

Here historically I would like to mention two nations, who are standing ahead of the pack of other nations in terms of experience of living in other countries and travelling, those are Jewish people and English people. I hope those two nations would take a lead in the project I am about to describe.

My idea is to create a network of parties in the developed world which would be focusing on first generation newcommers in those countries. Those parties can be relatively small in every country, not aiming at winning the political battles for power, but rather form coalitions with the existing parties and be a voice of people who recently arrived in the country. Those parties would tend to be positive, as they would target the people who know the difference and who have consiously chosen their new country. So for present establishments those parties would mean more support and conservatism. We all heard the problems with immigrants in Europe, namely in Germany, UK, France. Well, supporting those parties on the state level for those countries would mean positive agenda - receive a clear support voice from the immigrants who moved in recently, valuing the achievements of the core nation which was exactly the reason for the move. Those immigrant parties in those states would be peacifying, taking a role for modelling the attitudes of newly arrived.

The strength of those parties would be on the international scale, where they all can be united in one information network and act accordingly. The immediate agenda can be the unification of the immigration procedures among receiving nations, the development of the nations which are loosing people due to poor socio-economic conditions, etc. The magnitude of the project is really huge. The parties themselves in each nation can have geographic divisions (i.e. Middle East and North Africa, Pacific region, Latin America, ex-USSR republics, people who change countires within the developed world). I am interested in the Russian section and I am looking partners for this project from other geographic locations. The countries which could lead in the project - UK, Israel, USA, Iceland due to the nature of their achievements in social and travelling, community-building issues. This idea is raw, I was thinking about it for three days now and would welcome everyone to discuss it (+1 514 561 2775). I am trying to get it to the highest level possible as the magnitude of the project is really international and the power of such network of political parties can be enormous. I would be happy just to participate in it, as I gained the experience living in several countries which allowed me to formulate the concept.

1 комментарий:

  1. The practical approach to make instant rollover of the movement around the world would be the creation of software, which would be the synthesis of facebook, Uber and on-line game, where participants could meet, form agendas, earn ratings. The whole process of leaders selection can be reinvented - those who score high ratings in the program would receive "likes" from others and it can be the true rating for advancement in the movement. The only language necessary for beginning is English. This initiative would pull together the most advanced populace - English speaking, computer literate, internet active. The key is to create simple yet interesting on-line platform, which would allow to form groups of interested people in various countries who later would be able to form offline communities of influencers
