пятница, июня 02, 2023

Letter to my Lawyer

Before our meeting on the 9th of June I would like to sum it up what happened between me and Faniya, for your information and I am ready to present it in court. Breefly my background. I came to Canada to study in 1998 in McGill University, later I had a succesful career with international companies in Canada, UK and russia. It took me lots of efforts to convert from the soviet union mentality, which is now russian, to Canadian and realise new values. I do not lie, I do not harm other people, I do not steal. I was returning to russia from 2005 till 2011 and tried to teach the locals the western values. I did not meet any canadian woman in my life, maybe because of my difficult background, so I was marrying russian women and bringing them to Canada, trying to help them convert to the western world. It never worked, as it never worked with russia itself and we have to consider this. My first wife could not adapt to live in Canada and she stole my two children in 2015, which caused me a great trauma, I could not believe it and it took me three years to recover. I was so upset that developed bipolar disorder. On top of that I lost my leg when I was a child in a train accident and in my recent years it was a big factor in my phsycological state. I was doing my best to live a normal life with those conditions. In 2018 in russia I met Faniya. She was older than me and I thought she can help me live peacefully in Canada. She came to visit me in Canada and in order for her to be able to stay here we decided to marry. She was fully aware of my situation and conditions. I asked her to share our expenses, which she never did. If we were in Russia I would have never married her, but she wanted to escape russia so I thought I would help her stay in Canada. I was so in love that payed everything for her, bought her clothes, presents, fed her and entertained. But when she received permanent resident status our relationship started to deteriorate, I noticed that she never loved me and once she got the permission to stay in Canada she changed and started to provoke me. That day when she called the police in december she provoked me saying that I had a small penis (which is not true, by the way, it is very average) and being drunk at the moment I got pissed off and scared her. I did nothing wrong to her, she was safe, but she still called the police. After this accident we peacified shortly, she did not know it would take long for us to solve it and that we would have to live separately, its not like this in russia. So we started to see each other on weekends. She regreted that she called the police and sent several messages to the prosecutor Cassandra to cancel the case. In May 2022 we went on a trip to Prince Edward Island, the last day we had a quarrel, normal family misunderstanding. Just the exchange of words, she again started to provoke me. I did not do any harm to her. But out of her mean character she decided to lie in court and cause trouble for me. She was not afraid of me, there are the dated photos of us together during this trip here https://schoults.blogspot.com/2022/05/blog-post_5.html so it is obvious instead of cancelling her demands in court against me as she promised she lied and wrongfully accused me out of anger. She caused me to stay away from my own appartment on purpose for another half a year, which was a huge suffering for me and additional costs which caused me financial distress. I know in Canada and specifically in Quebec women are treated better in courts as they are considered more vulnerable. In our case it is the opposite - I am clearly the victim here, being disabled and with bipolar condition, she provoked me instead of caring about me. I want this to be clearly stated in court. She lies, she was blackmailing me as you know, she betrayed me and provoked me. I loved her and took a good care of her, provided, taught her how to adapt to live in Canada, did everything for her and she betrayed me, provoked, lied in court and now she is looking for money from me in the divorce. That is huge unfairness towards me, my love is gone, and now I do not want just to defend myself, but to seek justice against this predatory woman and seek compensation for my sufferings. We are still in the age before Artificial Intelligence takes over when this human tragedy between us requires not just the application of laws, but the human understanding and judgement what is evil here and who is the victim. Hope you can bring this properly to the attention of the prosecutor and judge to adress properly my drama. I am ready to prove all my points I stated here. And you know russia is waging the war against all the western values now, I am more than twenty years with Canada and support our values. Yes, I had some minor troubles because of my psychological state because of the quality of russian women and my childhood trauma, but Faniya is a pure liar, she wants to take advantage of a deeply wounded man, cause trouble to me with the hands of the Canadian justice, which is unacceptable and would be pure injustice. I am really ready to defend myself, explain this case to everyone concerned and seek compensation, as I am clearly the victim of manipulation, lies and provocations here. Should it be necessary I will go to the press, it should be a vivid example why russia is waging the war and how its citizens are involved and corrupt and should be mistrusted. Hope this clarifies some of the points and sums them up. You know she received from me 12,000 cad in November to cancel the case in court and do not have any material claims during divorce. She lied and broke her promises, obviously. And I was not communicating with her scince November last year at all. I am not working now because of my bipolarity and disability, but I have two kids in Moscow whom I support and want to bring back to Canada to help them readapt in their own country. It is very unsafe now in russia, as you know, and I am really concerned about them, I am very nervous every day. My boy plans to come to Canada and stay with me at the end of June, so I will need all my finances which is left from my savings to support him and help him continue his studies here. And Faniya is a rather rich woman, by the way, she has several appartments in russia and she has money. So I would seek not only minimise my costs because of this unfair ordeal she is causing me, but want to seek some way to compensate what I spent on her and in return received betrayal from her. Also, I think she is not worth the Canadian citizenship, so lets explore bringing forward the case of her blackmailing me in the summer 2022, and the 12,000 she received from me in November for what she did not keep her promises needs to be adressed too. Once again, this case is not about vulnerable woman against evil man, no, its about evil greedy predatory woman, who betrayed me in every way and disabled person with bipolar condition who only helped and cared and loved. Hope you understood this during our meetings in the course of the year and how her testimonials changed. Thank you very much, Valerie, for your attention, I am ready to clarify every point I stated here and provide supporting evidence. Lets discuss this on friday and formulate our strategy how to fight this person Faniya who caused me so much suffering and trouble. I hope you understand this is the pure humanitarian drama and catastrophe for me and hope you can help me and communicate with other people effectively so not just the laws are formally applied, but a true justice and fairness are served in this case. I know that here the one who adresses police and legal system first usually has advantage, well I was patient not to cause trouble for Faniya as I loved her and cared about her, but now with all her promises broken, all her lies, all her attacks on me I will clearly seek revenge for my sufferings, fairness and justice on humanitarian terms in this case and count on you to do it together with me.

6 комментариев:

  1. The main reason why russia is a barbaric state and its citizens are different from the civilised people is their attitude towards agreements, contracts and promises. They do not honour all of these at all, they break their promises, do not follow agreements, do not honour contracts. And our Western system is based on honouring agreements, contracts and keep our promises, its our CORE values. Faniya broke the marriage agreement to be with eacn other in troubled times, and later broke all other promises and agreements with me, tryinb to use Canadian legal system to harm me. This is truly unacceptable and requires close attention of the professionals in this case, this is not an ordinary case, but the one which is influenced by current state of international affairs and extraordinary personal circumstances.

  2. I will briefly outline my story for you to judge, as I am fighting for justice for myself now and need some help. I came to Canada when I was 19, in 1995 to study in McGill. Once I greaduated I gained some experience in Canada and UK with large multinationals and later decided to move back in Moscow, Russia where I was born to bring with me the Western education and experience to help transform the country after Sviet Union failure. I got married in russia and had my first child in 2007. In 2011 it became obvious for me that russia is closing, the humanitarian climate there became unbearable and we decided to move back to Montreal, Canada with my wife, who was russian from Siberia. Well, we spent three years when I was helping her and my son to adapt in Canada, taught her as if she was a small child to live here, learn the language, etc. And she could not adapt, she could not understand that Canada is different from russia and could not integrate into the society. Moreover, I lost my leg when I was 7 years old, had several operations during my life and wear prothesis since. When I was 37 I feld the early simptoms of aging and needed some help, at least psychological to get through this period. I was fully supporting my family and they had everything they could need, but my health deteriorated and I needed some support. By the time we had a second child here and I was involved in upbinging both my daughter and my son here, while the relationship with my wife deteriorated. It was right after 2014, when the first confrontation of Ukraine and russia happened and russians annexed Crimea. My wife was pro-russian, and I am completely Western values person, I was shoked how she accepted the invasion and the distance between us grew wider. There is a series of films from Ukranian author which shows the split in russian-Ukranian families over the recent russian agression in Ukraine, and what hapened between myself and my wife is really the same scenario. During the summer of 2015 my wife went to russia for vacation and informed me she would not return to Canada, both my children were with her, my son aged 8 by the time and daughter aged 2. She literaly stole my children. I was devastated. At the same time I had problems with my leg and could not come to russia myself. This was treason, the person whom I was taking care of ten years just betrayed me, lied to me. Now we see that the whole russia on the international scale does the same to its neighbours.

  3. Three years I could not breath, I just stayed home and experienced depression and sufferings. I suffered so badly that was admitted to psychiatric clinic for some time, had panic attacks and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It lasted three years. After I went to russia to see my children, fixed my prothesis and got better. During my visit to Moscow I met another woman. After a year of travelling together we decided she would move to Canada and in order for her to be able to stay I decided to marry her. If we were in russia we would never marry. But because after 2014 I was against what was happening in russia and my second wife did not want to live in russia either, we could be together only in Canada. Once again, she came to visit me as a tourist and stayed here because we married in order for her to be able to stay. She is older than me, I treated her really well and payed for all her needs. She is not a poor woman, she has assets in russia but never participated in our spendings. Oh well, I loved her and was looking to spend my golden years with her. After three years passed and she got her permanent resident status, our relationship started to deteriorate. Once again, I taught her everything in Canada, made her landing here very comfortable and when she started to become stronger and more self confident here, she started to demand more from me, started to provoke me. Obviously, she did not love me. Two years ago we had a conflict. I must admit, maybe I am not a perfect person, I had about a dosen operations in my life and living without the leg also takes its tall on my character, but I never did any harm to the women with whom I lived. I always provided, supported them and helped. Maybe I am harsh with my words, but that is just because I do care and sometimes it is difficult to explain my special needs and condition without emotion. Well, my recent wife started to provoke me three years ago when I was drunk, insinuating very personal attacks. We had a quarell, just on words, I did not harm her in any way. She called the cops and lied that I threatened her. I have huge problems because of this. We were ordered to live separately, but I was still supporting her and very soon, in a matter of days we peacified with her and started to see ach other. But for half a year because of Canada laws we had to keep it a secret. After several months she started to demand more and more from me, I stopped drinking completely, I payed all the bills.

  4. So my wife lied about me, blackmailed me, lied to me, betrayed me. Recently my son from the first marriage came to Canada to stay with me, he is now supporting me and I have lots of spendings. My savings are ending and on top of this this russian woman wants to press me unlawfully with the hands of canadian justice system and divorce me with demands of money. I am shocked. My story can be verified, every detail of it, and I think I need some help to fight for fairness and injustice against me. I was robbed, used, betrayed, blackmailed and still the law is blind and defends the woman more. What about being a single father, disabled, mentally torchered by those russian selfish women that I got even bipolar disorer now, please straighten up the things in my case and help me.

    If I am unsuccesful in cancelling my case, I intend to publish this story and adress the media and my local authorities, be it a report to the police or the inquiery to elected representatives.

  5. В декабре прошлого года у нас случилось чп. Я напился достаточно сильно и вздумал пугать Фанию. Это естественно был детский спектакль, ничего ей не угрожало, я ей ничего не сделал, а лишь шокировал и возмутил. Когда я зашёл к ней в спальню второй раз, она шикнула на меня и я ретировался, даже не приближаясь к ней. Но ей показалось этого мало и она сбежала из квартиры и вызвала полицию. Меня скрутили и я провёл два неприятнейших дня в тюрьме. А началось это всё, кстати, с её провокации, когда она мне пьяному сказала что видите ли у меня мужской инструмент маленький. Не любимый её, а маленький. Я естественно опешил, и моя реакция вполне должна быть понятна любому мужчине. Надо учитывать, что я полностью содержал эту женщину, кормил, поил, лечил и во всём помогал, я её действительно любил. Изначально я предлагал ей участвовать в расходах семьи, но она отказалась, мотивируя тем что это должен делать мужчина, при этом у неё есть свои деньги и квартира в Москве и она значительно старше меня. У нас не было детей, а что же тогда должна была делать женщина? Любить своего мужа, может быть, как советовала ей её бабушка? А не делать ему максимальные проблемы с полицией, когда сама находилась в полной безопасности. Выйдя из квартиры, могла бы уйти к знакомым, переночевать в бассейне, обратиться к консьержу, но она выбрала сделать мне максимальную пакость. Ладно, я не мог по решению суда с ней общаться до мая, был вынужден снять комнату. Но мы помирились и я стал на выходные пробираться домой, а недели проводить в съемной комнате. Так продолжалось до мая, когда мы решили поехать в путешествие. До этого у нас ухудшились отношения, она вылила всю свою злопамятность на меня, особенно в мой день рождения. Поставила меня в известность что сама поедет в путешествие в штаты. При обсуждении закрытия дел по моему суду сказала что не будет делать ничего что ей невыгодно. Что это - семья? Что это - любящая жена? Только потом я это всё сопоставил. Ну поехали на принц Эдвард остров, по пути она изводила меня своими придирками, какими-то требованиями, то ей не понравилось там, то не так я вёл машину, то долго рыбачил. Вы понимаете, эта содержанка на мои же деньги решила из меня сделать подкаблучника, о чём не стеснялась сама сообщать. Но я терпел максимально, так как любил её и всё делал чтобы ей угодить. И учитывая что я провёл много месяцев в напряжении, вне дома, моя жизнь заметно ухудшилась из-за этой женщины, можно понять что всё же у меня копилось раздражение. Наша поездка прошла прекрасно, останавливались в лучших отелях, ели в лучших ресторанах. И вот в последний день, когда уже возвращались, я спал в полузабытьи, и вдруг она сунула свои холоднющие руки мне под бок. Спросоня, я посоветовал ей засунуть её руки себе в одно место.

  6. И понеслось, от неё пошла обида, я обиделся что она меня не чувствовала и вместо того чтобы меня остудить и приласкать толко лишь подначивала и провоцировала. Мы знатно поругались в дороге, всё на словах, я её пальцем не трогал. Вернувшись, я завёз её домой, а сам поехал в комнатушку. Через пару дней я первый ей написал, предложил помириться. Она сказала что больше не хочет жить со мной под одной крышей, больше мне не доверяет и общаться не хочет. Да, из одной словесной ссоры. Я начал искать женщин для общения, открыто, подразумевая что она это увидит и со мной поговорит. Но я ошибся, вместо этого она со всей своей злобой, злопамятством, обидчевостью и мстительностью стала топить меня в суде. Чужими руками мне сделала подлость. Мы уже давно помирились по поводу декабрьских событий, так она из гордости и обидчивости продлила мне запрет на возврат в квартиру. Как это называется? Лжесвидетельствование, подлость, предательство это называется. Я был вынужден оставаться вне дома, для меня это было мучительно. Эта женщина, которую я содержал, дал ей возможность прижиться в другой стране, во всём ей помогал - ответила мне подлостью, предательством, изменой. Я был много месяцев просто изумлён, я не мог поверить что приютил у себя такого подлого человека. Меня, инвалида, без дохода, она ещё шантажировала, требовала денег за закрытие дела в суде. Я был слеп, опьянён любовью, а со мной жила предательница. Она перестала быть мне женой, другом, хотя я ей предлагал сохранить хотя бы дружеские отношения, перестала быть человеком вообще. Это просто себялюбивое обидчивое мстительное злопамятное злобное существо. Я не могу поверить, что после такой близости, такой заботы о ней она ответит мне такой неблагодарностью и несправедливостью. Далее, мы вроде договорились не портить жизни друг другу, она попросила 12 тысяч долларов отступных и обещала снять претензии в суде и оформить развод без претензий ко мне. И обманула, она просто не стала давать против меня показания, за то что между нами уже было давно решено, но не сняла обвинения, как мы договаривались и мне от этого легче не стало. А деньги взяла. А вот представить, что я бы жил у неё в квартире в Москве, между нами что-то бы произошло и я бы её выселил на год, а потом ещё взял бы с неё денег, это нормально? Это просто невообразимо. И ещё она возмущалась что я инвалид, что ей неэстетично было со мной заниматься сексом, что мы плохо ели из Костко. Это поразительно. Уйдя из квартиры украла многие вещи, квартиру оставила грязной, даже посуду не помыла. Более отвратительно показавшего себя существа я не знал в своей жизни, её поведение в отношении меня нельзя назвать человеческим, она укусила руку её кормившую, излила всю свою подлость, злобу на человека который её любил и заботился о ней. Вот такая история.
