воскресенье, февраля 10, 2019

Letter to Astrophysics group on FB

"Hi everyone. I subscribed to this group a few months ago and was reading most of the stuff attentively. I am coming from humanitarian background and the topics of this group are complimentary for my own research. I have two questions ( observations): Firstly, isn't it time for merging "physics" and "lyrics" as they say? We are definitely at the point in time when we are about to be able to expand somehow to other planets, plus we are on the verge of meeting intelligent creatures other than human beings (definitely we will see AI much more developed and capable very soon, at least). Thus the beliefs of what those contacts would bring, the readiness to expand our conscience to be able to imagine logic of others are the necessity already. Without good preparation, blending ethics, hints from religions who were all pointing at the sky and tried to predict the challenges ahead we may fail even the first contact. For some reason I would not trust in officials or representatives of humanity as it exists now due to their preoccupation with old tactics and huge discreditation due to widespread corruption and barbaric divisions coupled with sometimes opposite sets of values. How would it be possible to proceed with such revision of globally acceptable ethics which will allow enough flexibility to include later other beings than humans? Can this be done on volunteering basis? 

 Another question is - as humanity gathered a lot of observations from physical experiments, established some clear dependancies in the material world, can those principles be translated in social frameworks, new suggested rules of effective interaction or formation of fresh traditions, recommendations for new laws, practices etc.? Thanks for such a longread"

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7 комментариев:

  1. http://existence.mybb3.ru/viewforum.php?f=17





  2. http://existence.mybb3.ru/viewtopic.php?p=2253#2253



  3. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jul/23/will-computers-be-able-to-think-five-books-to-help-us-understand-ai



  4. http://schoults.blogspot.com/2018/12/blog-post_10.html

  5. Freedom of thinking is especially important with telepathy ;)

  6. Great Aggregators:



